Deluxe Homes and Country Houses

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Our Projects / Nos projets

D.L. Turner Consultants Inc.
4700 De La Savane, Suite 203
Montréal, Québec, H4P 1T7
Tel.: (514) 992-1961

Description de la Compagnie

et Services offerts

67 Granville, Hampstead New Residence - Total area approximately 4,200 ft² + basement 2,500 ft²


- the architectural floor plans and perspectives (elevations) prepared by Adam Borowczyk Atelier – URA inc. dated 28 September, 2020 which indicate a new two (2) storey house with a basement.

- A comprehensive soil report based on a geotechnical investigation carried out by an independent geotechnical firm retained by the Client will be provided

- Construction of a structural retaining wall on each side of the driveway

- Conventional ground and 2nd floor wood joist and steel framing, wood roof trusses and reinforced concrete basement walls and front entrance

- Foundation structure supported on a raft foundation

- Slab on grade conventional, non structural



Architect: Adam Borowczyk, Architect - Atelier Inc.

Client: Gaby Bitton

General Contractor: Mark Dichter Construction











Design by Empire Network